Here is an interesting tidbit, that may explain why Biden did certain things. This is my conjecture based on various articles going all the way back to the Obama era when Ukraine, Russia and China started to plan the so-called "Biden Memorial Pipeline" from Ukraine to China using a company named Burisma.
- There were reports today that the Taliban and Turkmenistan started talks about building oil pipeline infrastructure through Afghanistan in February
- There is talk about the Biden admin involved in pushing expanding the scope of the TAPI pipeline (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India) and apparently has been involved in pushing along the negotiations with Taliban and Turkmenistan, although the State Department has stated, the US did not "directly fund" the development, they did not deny being involved at some level.
- The companies involved with the supply of Turkmenistan oil and ostensibly going to be doing the build-out for Turkmenistan-Taliban pipeline are a chain of companies, the primary companies that happen to be involved with the supply in Turkmenistan will be subsidiaries of a certain Burisma Holdings...
Sure, the fact checkers will say that Biden has divested itself from Burisma a while ago, but the question remains, what influence did these developments have on the decisions made by a certain Joe Biden when his son walked away with bags of cash from these companies.